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Bulletin in English for the NTEP, OIML and Measurement Canada, IP69K rated, colorful, ultra-tough 190 Storm indicator.

Bulletin in Spanish for the NTEP, OIML and Measurement Canada, IP69K rated, colorful, ultra-tough 190 Storm indicator.

Slide deck for the 190 indicator and Admiral bench scale with ColorZone, IP69K rating, and 190 Targets software.

A guide detailing the description, card compatibility, if field installable, and power requirements for 190 option cards.

Optional 190 blue front enclosure, allows early visual detection in the unlikely event anything breaches the enclosure.

Flyer detailing the Storm 190 indicator's IP69K enclosure, capacitive touch keys, and ColorZone check-weighing feature.

Bulletin detailing the features and expanded 190 checkweigher functionally when using the 190 Targets PC Software.

A flyer detailing the features, installation, and setup of the 190-IP Ethernet TCP/IP Option Card.

A chart comparing the models 185/185B, 190, 200, 201, 205, 210, 210FE, 212X, 212GX, 225, and 825 indicators.

Case study of a California cherry packing operation, using fourteen conveyor lines with EB150-LPAN bench scales.